Las Lomas High School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our tax ID number is 94-2787423
Upcoming Fundraisers
Ongoing Fundraisers
Farm Fresh to You!
Las Lomas High School PTSA has partnered with Farm Fresh to You!
PTSA will earn 10% on every order when you add the promo code "LASLOMAS" to your account. Farm Fresh to You is an organic produce and curated product delivery service. After you choose your box type, you can customize each order. 10% of each order will be dontated the PTSA. Have you been wanting to try it or already a customer? Please see the attached flyer or links below to sign up with our LASLOMAS code today! New customers start here: Already have an account? You can add the promotion to an existing account by using this link:
Las Lomas Digital Marquee Update
The PTSA Association met on 5/29 and a motion was unanimously passed to redirect funds from the Marquee fund to the Campus Beautification project pending approval from named donors.
Principal Heather Thorner presented to the Association. It is commonly acknowledged that our campus needs an uplift and a project is underway to enhance the look of the campus by "wrapping" walls and adding signage. Boosters, our Las Lomas Sports and Athletic Club, along with the Class of 2024, are also donating funds for signage of the stadium and sports facilities. Additional funds will come from other sources.
Letters have been emailed to all known marquee donors requesting that a response be given by June 10th, 2024 to agree/disagree to redirect these funds. If you did not receive a letter and have donated towards the marquee, please contact If we do not hear from our marquee donors by June 10th, 2024 we will assume that the donor(s) are in agreement. Thank you to all those who have already responded.
If you would like your donation to remain in the Marquee restricted fund, please let us know. This fund will remain in the budget.
The PTSA Board and Association are in agreement that Las Lomas needs a marquee. This will take a major fundraising effort and we have decided to take 2024-25 to plan out how to raise the $65K needed. If you would like to be part of this planning group, please contact and join the Marquee Fundraising Committee.