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Sophomores - CLASS of 2027

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Activities Calendar

November 11th: Veteran’s Day
November 25 – 29th: Thanksgiving Break

December 17-20th: 1st Semester Finals
December 23 – January 5th: Winter Break

Class of 2027 Activities Fund Donation
Thank you so much to those that have donated so far through registration! The $100 per student requested goes directly to OUR class and is used throughout their 4 years at LLHS. It helps cover Homecoming, Proms, Senior Year, Grad Ceremonies and Activities, and fun throughout each year! We would LOVE to see 100% participation from our class families this year, whether it is for the full amount or whatever you can do! Make your Class Donation here.

There are lots of great ways to help out in person and we need YOU! We so appreciate your valuable time and hope that your time spent volunteering is fun! You can sign up to volunteer by either emailing us at or reaching out to requests on social media or the newsletter.

Snack Shack
Thank you to the volunteers who helped with our homecoming and class Snack Shacks. You are so appreciated! Snack Shack is valuable fundraiser for every class. To streamline the process the last few years we have started asking for a monetary donation versus food donations. You can donate anytime throughout the year here, Snack Shack.

Stay Connected
STUDENTS Class Instagram @LLHS27, the class bulletin board (location to be announced), and Class TikTok @llhs.2027.

PARENTS Class Facebook page @ Las Lomas Class of 2027 Parents, Class Instagram @llhs27parents, or our Class Newsletter, Class of 2027 Parent Newsletter Sign Up. This page on the school website will be updated monthly as well.

Spirit Wear

Show your spirit and purchase LL gear HERE!

Please reach out to any of us at any time!

Your PAs,
Shauna McGlynn, Lucy Eger, Gina Schneider, and Sabrina McQueen

Class Officers

President: Arzoe Saluja 

Vice-President: Abby Peng

Secretary: Hudson Williams

Treasurer: Juliette Downes

Parent Advisors

Shauna McGlynn (lead)

Rachelle Cashion

Lucy Eger

Sabrina McQueen

Gina Schneider


Contact us at

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